Devil's Acre Assets, Design, and Production


Link to Devil's Acre

Devil's Acre is a game that I created with Nicolas Zorzi, Daniel Perez Gomez, and Ben Beary. The original concept and designs for the game were created by Nicolas and I before Dan and Ben joined our team 6 weeks after our first version. I created approximately half of the assets in the game including the tutorial zone, some of the bandits, the saloon interior, the overworld tilesets, the shopkeeper, the boss healthbar, the augment sprites, the logo/title, and other miscellaneous assets. I also took on hte role of Producer for the game which involved keeping track of what assets we needed, what assets have been completed, deadlines, scheduling, and defining the scope of our game. This was my first experience creating a game with a team, and has a been a great learning process that has improved my game design, pixel art, and graphic design skills.

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